Rental petroleum warehouse service

With the function and mission of a Major petrol and oil traders, we highly aware that owning a petroleum storage warehouse is a major key of our business and distribution network.

Presently, the Company speeds up the investment in Long An Petroleum Warehouse (which is located in Long An province) that consists of a capacity of 90,000 cubic meters and the specialized wharf of 40,000 DWT. With an expectation that this construction would be accomplished in the first quarter of 2026, the Company looks forward to contribute to the convenience and efficiency of petroleum distribution network in Long An province, Ho Chi Minh City and surrounding provinces.

Petroleum Transportation services

The system of waterway and road transport enables the Company to stay proactive, ensuring consistent transportation of fuel between warehouses, from distribution storage to  Customer’s depots and retail outlets nationwide. With modern tractors and tank trucks system, along to a professional team which includes staff who are well-equipped with knowledge & responsibility, we ensure sufficient and timely supply of fuel varieties for customer demand.